Digitalized energy audit is a cost-effective and practical way to evaluate saving potential in ongoing electric motor driven equipment like pumps and fans. Utilizing real equipment measured data in combination with digital modeling to find out energy-saving potential provides a straightforward method for process optimization and increased sustainability.
Continuous energy monitoring
Viimatech cloud service provide users continuous view of the consumed current, power, energy, start quantities and load factor (% of time running).
Compact reporting
Users can request reporting with detailed equipment operating range, current energy consumption, recommended action and estimated savings.
Easy data collection
Installation of data collection device takes virtually few seconds. This is possible thanks to the dedicated, battery operated VT04-CT device. VT04-CT is optimized for quick installation with split coil current transformer and automatic cloud connection.
Proven solution
Wide range of industries already benefit from this solution. ABB Service experts use Viimatech digitalized energy audit to support their energy efficiency services.